Recognizing the urgent need to address challenges arising from the rapid growth of cyber capabilities and an increasing number of harmful cyber activities, the Czech Republic actively supports ongoing efforts to clarify how international law applies to cyberspace.
In order to contribute further to these efforts, the Czech Republic is pleased to publish its Position Paper on the Application of International Law in Cyberspace, outlining its current view on the application of certain provisions of international law to cyberspace. The document has been prepared in collaboration of NUKIB, Ministry of Affairs and Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic.
Reaffirming that international law, including the United Nations Charter in its entirety, is applicable to State conduct in cyberspace and is essential for maintaining peace and stability in the ICT environment, the Czech Republic fully endorses an international order based on international law and considers it to be a fundamental element of the framework for responsible State behavior in cyberspace.
The released Position Paper aims to contribute to UN discussions, particularly within the context of the Czech Republic's participation in the current OEWG. The hope is that these discussions will foster a better common understanding of how international law applies in cyberspace, promoting responsible state behavior and contributing to a more stable, secure, open, accessible, and peaceful cyber environment.