Main Page


Post Date Name Capture Date File
2024-07-25 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´s perspective - June 2024 - Download PDF
2024-06-24 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´s perspective - May 2024 - Download PDF
2024-05-24 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´s perspective - April 2024 - Download PDF
2024-05-02 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´s perspective - March 2024 - Download PDF
2024-03-19 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´s perspective - February 2024 - Download PDF
2024-02-14 Cyber Security Incidents from the NUKIB's Perspective - January 2024 - Download PDF
2024-01-09 Cyber Security Incidents from the NÚKIB´s Perspective - December 2023 - Download PDF
2023-12-13 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´S perspective - November 2023 - Download PDF
2023-11-30 Mobile App Security Threat Alert: WeChat by Tencent - Download PDF
2023-11-22 Minimum Requirements for Cryptographic Algorithms - Download PDF
2023-11-06 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´s perspective - October 2023 - Download PDF
2023-11-06 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´s perspective - September 2023 - Download PDF
2023-09-22 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´s perspective - August 2023 - Download PDF
2023-08-09 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´s perspective - July 2023 - Download PDF
2023-07-21 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´s perspective - June 2023 - Download PDF
2023-07-20 2022 Report on the State of Cybersecurity in the Czech Republic - Download PDF
2023-06-21 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´s perspective - May 2023 - Download PDF
2023-05-24 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´s perspective - April 2023 - Download PDF
2023-04-21 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´s perspective - March 2023 - Download PDF
2023-03-10 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´s perspective - February 2023 - Download PDF
2023-03-08 WARNING about a cyber threat associated with the installation and use of the TikTok app.pdf - Download PDF
2023-02-13 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´s perspective - January 2023 - Download PDF
2023-01-10 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´S perspective - December 2022 - Download PDF
2022-12-15 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´S perspective – November 2022 - Download PDF
2022-11-24 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´S perspective - October 2022 - Download PDF
2022-10-07 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´S perspective - September 2022 - Download PDF
2022-09-16 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´S perspective - August 2022 - Download PDF
2022-08-10 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´S perspective - July 2022 - Download PDF
2022-08-03 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´S perspective - June 2022 - Download PDF
2022-07-01 2021 Report on Cyber Security in the Czech Republic.pdf - Download PDF
2022-06-21 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´S perspective - May 2022.pdf - Download PDF
2022-05-24 Cyber security incidents from the NÚKIB´S perspective - April 2022.pdf - Download PDF
2022-04-26 Cyber incidents from the NÚKIB´S perspective - March 2022.pdf - Download PDF
2022-03-23 Warning non-compliance with contractual obligations by suppliers of ICT services - Download PDF
2022-03-15 Cyber incidents from the NÚKIB´S perspective – February 2022.pdf - Download PDF
2022-02-17 Cyber incidents from the NÚKIB´S perspective – January 2022.pdf - Download PDF
2022-02-09 The Recommendation for assessing the trustworthiness of technology suppliers of 5G networks in the Czech Republic - Download PDF
2022-01-24 Cyber incidents from the NÚKIB´S perspective – December 2021.pdf - Download PDF
2022-01-23 Cyber incidents from the NÚKIB´S perspective – November 2021.pdf - Download PDF
2021-12-06 The Prague Proposals 2021 - The Chairman Statement on cyber security of emerging and disruptive technologies - Download PDF
2021-12-06 The Prague Proposals 2021 - The Chairman Statement on telecommunications supplier diversity - Download PDF
2021-07-26 2020 Report on cyber security in the czech republic.pdf - Download PDF
2021-07-26 2020 Report on cyber security in the czech republic - BW.pdf - Download PDF
2020-04-30 CZ Statement - OEWG - Rules Norms and Principles - 10.02.2020 - Download PDF
2020-04-30 CZ Statement - OEWG - International Law 11.02.2020 - Download PDF
2020-04-30 CZ Statement - OEWG - Existing and Potential Threats - 10.02.2020 - Download PDF
2020-04-30 CZ Statement - OEWG - Capacity-building 13.02.2020 - Download PDF
2020-04-23 Recommended safety measures based on the warning of 16 april 2020 - Download PDF
2020-04-17 Warning against a cybersecurity threat in the form of an extensive campaign of cyberattacks on information and communication systems in the Czech Republic - Download PDF
2019-12-03 Report on the state of cyber security in the Czech Republic in 2018 - Download PDF
2019-05-03 The Prague Proposals 2019 - The Chairman Statement on cyber security of communication networks in a globally digitalized world - Download PDF

Legislation of Cyber Security:


Post Date Name Capture Date File
2023-09-13 The amendment of the Act No 181/2014 Coll. on Cyber Security and change of related acts - Download PDF
2022-02-15 The Decree No 315/2021 Coll. on security levels for the use of cloud computing by public authorities - Download PDF
2022-02-15 The Decree No 316/2021 Coll. on some requirements for incorporation into the cloud computing catalogue - Download PDF
2022-02-15 Regulation of the Use of Cloud Computing by Public Authority in the Czech Republic - Download PDF
2018-05-21 The Decree No 82/2018 Coll. on Security Measures, Cybersecurity Incidents, Reactive Measures, Cybersecurity Reporting Requirements, and Data Disposal (the Cybersecurity Decree) - Download PDF
2017-12-08 The Decree No 437/2017 Coll. on the criteria for the determination of an operator of essential service - Download PDF
2016-07-01 The amendment of the Decree No 317/2014 Coll. on important information systems and their determination criteria - Download PDF
2014-12-19 Governmental order No 315/2014 Coll. which amends the Governmental order No 432/2010 Coll. on the Criteria for the Identification of a Critical Infrastructure Element - Download PDF
2014-07-23 The Act on Cyber Security and change of related acts on July 23, 2014 - the legislative text adopted by the Senate - Download PDF
2013-06-28 The Draft of the Act on Cyber Security from 2013-06-28 - Download PDF
2013-04-15 The Draft of the Act on Cyber Security from 2013-04-15 - Download PDF

Support Materials:

Post Date Name Capture Date File
2020-08-07 Overview block diagram related to the Act and its implementing legal regulations - Download PDF
2018-03-07 Information on the Essential Service - Summary of the way operators of an essential service and information systems of an essential service are identified - Download PDF
2018-03-07 The process of the operators of essential service and the information system of essential service identification according to the Act on Cyber Security and to the Decree on the criteria for the determination of an operator of essential service - Download PDF
2018-03-07 The process of the operators of essential service and the information system of essential service identification according to the Act on Cyber Security and to the Decree on the criteria for the determination of an operator of essential service - detailed - Download PDF
2018-03-07 The process of the identification according to Decree No 317/2014 Coll. on Important Information Systems and their Determination Criteria - Download PDF
2018-03-07 The process of the identification according to the Act No 240/2000 Coll., on Crisis Management and on the Amendment of Certain Acts (the Crisis Act) and Governmental Order No 432/2010 Coll. on the Criteria for the Identification of a Critical Infrastructu - Download PDF
2018-03-07 The obligations of authorities and legal or natural persons according Act No 181/2014 Coll. on Cyber Security - Download PDF

Strategy / Action Plan:

Post Date Name Capture Date File
2021-11-22 Action Plan for the National Cybersecurity Strategy for the years 2021 to 2025 - Download PDF
2021-03-18 National Cyber Security Strategy of the Czech Republic for the period from 2021 to 2025 - Download PDF
2015-02-16 National Cyber Security Strategy of the Czech Republic for the period from 2015 to 2020 - Download PDF
2015-02-09 Action Plan for the National Cyber Security Strategy of the Czech Republic for the Period from 2015 to 2020 - Download PDF
2012-02-09 Strategy of the Czech Republic in the field of cybernetic security for 2012 – 2015 - Download PDF

Cyber Exercise Manuals:

Post Date Name Capture Date File
2020-05-26 Good Practice Guide on National Exercises - Download PDF
2020-05-26 How to develop a cyber security table-top exercise - Download PDF
2020-05-26 Red team / Blue team exercise - Download PDF